Chapter 12 {or whatever number it gets assigned}

The events of today will someday take up an entire chapter in  a book.

5:40 am Wake up, get dressed, change the boys’ diapers, pour sippy cups, pack car

6:30 Leave hotel

6:56 Realize the road I am on is icy and getting worse with each turn I make; Turn around

7:15 Stop for gas

7:25 Leave town a different way

8:45 Arrive home, feed animals, refill sippy cups, leave home

9:00 Arrive at church for moms’ group, finish dressing Brother, put socks and shoes on the boys, get their bags together

9:15 Drop the boys’ off at their classes, go back out to the car to get my bag and put on a little make up

9:20 Finally arrive at moms’ group, eat breakfast, listen to devotional, do some yoga, visit with some other mommies for a bit

11:30 Pick up the kiddos, put them in the car, pull the car up to the door, run in and grab the 2 tons of bags we brought in and other stuff I accumulated at the meeting….it starts snowing

11:45 Arrive at my parents house, realize the stuff I intended to drop off is still at my house, oldest son starts crying for his Pawpaw, call Pawpaw, he comes outside to see the boys for a minute. Oldest son stops crying.

11:55 Head toward our house. Oldest son starts crying again at the end of the block.

12:15 Arrive home, both boys asleep. Take them inside. Oldest wakes up, demanding food.

Then the rest of the day passed by in a blur of feedings, laundry, cartoons, mountains of toys, messes, work emails, spilled cheerios, fighting/screaming toddlers, falling snow and sleet, kissed boo-boos, random power outages, burned dinner, phone calls interrupted by the screaming/fighting toddlers, dishes, bubble baths, and lots of other stuff I don’t even remember right now.

Now that I read all that, I don’t know that today was that much different than every other day at our house. I sure am exhausted though. Good night.

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