Tag Archives: gratitude

A little more gratitude

Well, it’s December. The last thing I posted was Day 19 of my 30 days of thankfulness. Can we say fail? I didn’t even get finished with all the posts I had scheduled on my calendar to write. Sometimes I overestimate my abilities to be Supermom. There’s lots I’m thankful for, but this year I learned my lesson, and next year I’ll stick to posting tidbits on Instagram and Facebook. 🙂 To make up for it though, I’ll share a little list here because honestly, today I need the reminder.

1. A baby girl that will take a nap (even though she isn’t right now of course lol)
2. Necklaces of cheap plastic beads and wooden charms, made just for me by my oldest son3. Kicks from the sweet little one growing inside me
4. Itunes radio 80’s & 90’s country music channel
5. One important phone call I had to make today was actually short, sweet, and accomplished all that was needed!
6. Naptime
7. A husband that thinks I’m pretty and tells me so
8. A computer with an Internet connection
9. Forgotten candy bars don’t melt in my purse in the winter.
10. A rare decent snapshot of me and one of my kids

me and baby girl

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30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 19

Day Nineteen

I’m thankful for people who go out of their way to do something generous and kind for others.

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30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 11

Well, I missed a few days. I knew it would happen. November is always a super busy, crazy month for us with birthdays on top of the normal Thanksgiving/Christmas stuff, and this year as a whole has just been nuts. Anyway, enough excuses.

Day Eleven

I’m thankful for the thoughtfulness of my firstborn.

Lincoln is a thoughtful caretaker. He wants to make sure his brother doesn’t go outside in the cold without socks and shoes. He wants to be sure Sissy has on a hairbow that matches her outfit and has her pacifier. He insists that she needs princess stuff, too. He makes sure no one touches their food before we pray. He never fails to tell me each day he thinks I’m pretty, and he always finds toys he wants his friends to have.

Even knowing all that, sometimes the little things he thinks of and pays attention to catch me off guard. Tonight, for instance, he went in the bathroom, pulled out the toothpaste, and got everyone’s toothbrushes ready without being asked to do so. We have three types of toothpaste, and he knew exactly which one each person used, even giving Stanton the bubblegum flavored toothpaste he loves that Lincoln detests.

I’m glad God put that little trait in his personality. It’s so precious to me.

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30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 8

Day Eight

I started this post and forgot to post it the other day in the craziness of getting ready for a birthday party.

I am thankful for my best friend, Lauren.

She’s my other sister. We’ve been together since the second grade, through high school, being roommates in college, weddings, happy times, heartaches, babies, and now our babies are growing up together. I wish everyone could have friendships like ours.


A throwback from our college days. 🙂

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30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 6

Day Six

I’m thankful my boys have each other.

Most people tell me I’m crazy for having them so close together (or assume it was an accident), but now, even more than ever before, I’m thankful I listened when God laid it on my heart to prepare for another baby. I am so glad I didn’t ignore that and follow the world’s opinion that we should wait a certain time before having more children. Born just 13 months and two weeks apart, I can not imagine our family with these boys not having one another.

This is why:









They are inseparable.
They love each other.
They learn from each other.

They fight. They push, shove, hit, kick, & scream – but at 6:30 this morning, a sleepy Stanton walked out of his bedroom, not looking for me or his daddy, instead saying, “Where my bwudder?”

Yesterday when Stanton wasn’t feeling good, Lincoln kept asking if he had fever and saying, “I’m sorry Stanton. It will be okay. We will take care of you.”

If one of them does something special by himself, he can’t wait to get back and tell his brother about it, or share whatever treat he picked up along the way. My boys share a special bond, and I love seeing it become stronger as they get older. Forts, late night giggles, fights, & shenanigans, these two are a team, and for that I am thankful.

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